编码歧视 Coded Bias-搜索结果

  • 编码歧视 Coded Bias


    导演:莎里妮·坎塔雅   编剧:莎里妮·坎塔雅, Christopher Seward

    主演:Timnit Gebru, Safiya Umoja Noble, Wolfie O'Neil, Kiri Soares, Joy Buolamwini, Meredith Broussard, Cathy O'Neil, Silkie Carlo, Zeynep Tüfekçi, Amy Webb, Tranae Moran, Virginia Eubanks, Icemae Downes, Ravi Naik, Deborah Raji

    faces accurately, and her journey to push for the first-ever legislation in the U.S. to govern against bias